Wycross Press is devoted to experimental printmaking and publishes unique limited edition multiples and folios. Owner Conrad Ross is an artist/printmaker living in Auburn, AL. He brings over six decades of creative experience to the direction of the Press. With over 40 solo exhibitions, 500 juried and invitational shows, years of lectures and demonstrations as a professor at Auburn University where he is now Emeritus, Conrad Ross is dedicated to maintaining the highest level of artistic integrity at the Press. His discerning eye has brought a delightful variety of gifted artists and interesting projects to Wycross editions. His own work is in the Prentenkabinet of Antwerp and the Frans Masreel Center in Kasterlee, Belgium, The Library of Congress, and some 13 Southern Institutional art collections, including the Dallas Museum, Museum of Arts and Sciences of Norfolk, Huntsville Museum of Art, and Montgomery Museum of fine Arts. He lives in Auburn, with his wife Janice, who is also an accomplished artist.
Interview with Conrad Ross discussing printmaking; Wycross Press; the genesis of his print Yunnan, part of the Printology Folio #5 - East and West, and the basis for the China Collés; and his work with the many other artists represented in the Printology Folios.